Preparing for College


Thomas More Dual-Credit Program  2024-25 Series of Information Sessions

During our virtual session this fall, prospective students and their families can learn more about what makes the Thomas More Dual-Credit program an excellent opportunity for students to explore and earn college credits at a reduced tuition rate. Our session is open to anyone, but  RSVPs are required. Once you RSVP, you will receive email reminders leading up to the event that will provide you with any additional information about that event. Those who RSVP will also receive a copy of the presentation following the event.



Did you know?


The state of Kentucky (through KHEAA) provides a Dual-Credit scholarship that covers two classes in a student’s junior year and in their senior year, in addition to a Work Ready Scholarship that covers in demand career and technical courses at TMU, NKU, and Gateway.  



Your student should have started the application process for college by now. I have had individual meetings with almost all of the seniors. As your student begins to receive acceptance/scholarship letters from colleges/universities, please have them bring those letters to me. I make copies of each student's file and give the originals back.  Seniors are allowed 3 excused college/career visits this year as long as they complete the necessary paperwork. This can be found in the files hanging outside of my office


 Mrs. Knox


Upcoming College Visits:

9/10: Gateway Communty & Technical College





Seniors and Juniors:

A link has been provided for students at Holy Cross to take the "My Major Quiz."

After taking this assessment, you will be recommended the top majors, colleges, and careers based on your academic achievements, interests, and personality.



Scholarship Opportunities:         









Paying for College


Students who are planning to attend college this fall should fill out the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) anytime after October 1st! You can complete the FAFSA online at

If you need additional information that can help assist parents and students, or if you need additional copies of the FAFSA worksheet, please go to


Kentucky Educational Excellence Scholarships (KEES) are available to Kentucky high school graduates who are residents of the Commonwealth of Kentucky as determined for purposes of admission and tuition assessment by the University. KEES awards are available for a maximum of 8 academic terms and must be used within the earlier of attainment of a baccalaureate degree or 5 years from high school graduation. KEES awards can be used for the fall and spring terms only and are not available for summer coursework.
All students must keep track of their own KEES money. Go to and click on student account. Make sure soc.sec.#, Date of Birth and each years GPA. is correct. You have a limited time to fix this information or it will be lost. The money will not be paid to you. This is out of the counselor's control. They do not have access to your account any longer. This is YOUR responsibility! Please contact your counselor with any questions. If you do have incorrect information on your account, e-mail the incorrect information and the corrected information to your counselor ASAP.

Information about the ACT can be found at


Registration packets for the ACT & SAT are available in the High School office.
You may also register online at

Holy Cross High School ACT Code: 180-555

ACT Test Dates:


Test Fees:

ACT Prep Information

All junior students have the opportunity to take ACT prep classes at Holy Cross. These sessions do not guarantee you a 36 on the ACT but will familiarize students with the format and “quirks” of the test. There is no charge, so you will definitely get your money’s worth. Prep classes begin in October and meet during Enrichment period. A mock practice test will be given on a date to be determined in February.
Additional prep help can be found at



FAFSA® Application | Federal Student Aid


When visiting colleges it is helpful to take notes while you are there. A college visit checklist that can be used to help you remember some of the details or to compare colleges later can be found here.

As seniors plan to visit colleges, we must also remind parents of the regulations regarding these visits.

  1. Unless an official visit or tour is scheduled, all visits should be made on weekends.
  2. To arrange a college day, contact the college’s admission department for their visiting procedures.
  3. In the case of an official visit, a form from the counselor is required to be completed at least three days in advance of the visit.
  4. The principal and the teachers of the student must sign this form.
  5. Absolutely no college visits during the fourth quarter of the school year are allowed.

Before arranging any college visits, call the school office at 859-431-1335 for a permission form, or click the image below. Please remember these regulations as you plan ahead with your child.