Academic Enhancement Program
Beginning in 1998, Holy Cross High School recognized the need to assist students with limited disabilities and became the first Catholic high school to implement a program to meet the needs of students with learning disabilities and difficulties.
The program, which began with seven students, today has over 35% of our students enrolled in it.
Who is accepted in the program? This program was created for those students who have a diagnosed learning disability and/or a diagnosed medical condition(s). Currently, the program services students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, Bipolar, Specific Learning Disabilities which includes Dyslexia (difficulty with reading/spelling) Dysgraphia (difficulty with writing), Oppositional Defiance Disorder and Tourette’s Syndrome, etc. Those enrolled in this program receive special monitoring and tutoring, in an inclusive environment, increasing their opportunities for academic success.
The mission of the Academic Enhancement Program is to equip learning disabled students with the necessary organizational, study, and self-advocacy skills that will enable them to succeed not only in high school, but also to become life-long learners.
The students in the program have AEP one class period a day. This is an elective and a letter grade is received.
Holy Cross strives to make accommodations and modifications to the curriculum in order to address the individual needs of each student in the program. The AEP teachers work closely with the regular classroom teachers so that all may know the accommodations and modifications for the students in the program.
Holy Cross is constantly evaluating the AEP program and continually examining ways to be provide more effective and efficient learning aids for special needs students. The focus of the program is to erase boundaries between special needs and the regular classroom.
While the Academic Enhancement Program of Holy Cross High School strives to serve students with disabilities, the school is not equipped to deal with disabilities of all types. In addition, the school cannot accommodate disabilities that significantly impair the learning environment for other students or teachers. The Academic Enhancement Coordinator, in coordination with the principal, will determine whether the school can adequately accommodate the students needs on an individual basis. Holy Cross High School can only accommodate a limited number of students with disabilities. Therefore, the Academic Enhancement Coordinator, in conjunction with the principal, may deny admission due to enrollment and staffing levels.