Holy Cross KYA Success!

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 On December 5th-7th, almost 50 Holy Cross students traveled to Louisville, KY to take part in the annual KYA conference.  Our students had a very successful convention with many of them earning awards, including:

Abigail Williams: Photography Award

Sydney Wilson: Outstanding Delegate

Stephanie Casson: Outstanding Speaker

Addison Saalfeld & Elijah Siracuse: Outstanding Advocate Team

Addison Saalfeld: Supreme Court Showcase 

Elijah Siracuse: Attorney General for 2022-2023 KYA Conference

Along with these awards, Zach Chalfin, Gabe Reed, Ryan Ehlman & Jake Daly were able to get their "Shop Small in the Fall" Holiday tax bill passed.  

Congratulations to all of the HC students on a wonderful showing, and a special congratulations to our three current presiding officers, Attorney General, Morrigan McIntosh, President of the Executive Cabinet, Addie Dierig, and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Bella Stock on a job well done!



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