Planned Gifting

Leave A Legacy

The Society of St. Jude, our planned giving society at Holy Cross, has one mission. We believe in Holy Cross High School and want to ensure our school remains strong forever.

Please consider joining us in our patronage to St. Jude. Your participation in planned giving is not only an expression of faith, but also a sign of your spirit of generosity. As a member, you will be joining others who share your belief in our school.

How can I join the Society of St. Jude?

  • Bequests and Wills

One of the most common means of providing financial support to Holy Cross High School beyond a gift of capital in your lifetime is to leave a bequest from your estate. A bequest is a gift designating Holy Cross in a donor’s will. These gifts can be unrestricted donations or be designated for a particular need within our school.


  • Life Income Agreements

There are a variety of trust instruments available; Charitable Lead Trust, Charitable Gift Annuities, and Charitable Remainder Trusts.

-Charitable Lead Trust

A donor can set up a trust that allows the donor to designate the donor's heirs as the beneficiaries, while including an income stream for Holy Cross for a designated period of time. Assets will be transferred to the trust and during the designated period of time, the income is paid to HCHS.  At the end of the established HCHS income period, the trust income and principle are transferred to other beneficiaries that the donor designates.  

-Charitable Gift Annuity

A donor establishes a gift annuity with the transfer of assets in the form of cash, stocks, bonds, and mutual fund shares to Holy Cross High School.

-Charitable Remainder Trust

A donor transfers cash, securities, or real estate into a trust and a fixed income is paid to the donor and/or beneficiary for life or a specified term.



  • Life Insurance

A donor can make a gift of an existing life insurance policy or establish a new policy and name Holy Cross High School as the owner or beneficiary of the funds.


  • Retirement Plan

A donor designates Holy Cross High School as the beneficiary of his or her IRA or other retirement plan.  Distributions from the retirement plan, upon death, means that 100%of the plan’s balance benefits Holy Cross. The distributions are exempt from federal, state income, and death taxes.


  • Real Estate Gift

Gifts of real estate can include private residences, vacation homes, commercial property, farmland, raw acreage, and developable property. 


  • Scholarships

Endowed scholarships are the result of a gift that has been given to Holy Cross as a one-time gift or that is gifted over time to build a scholarship fund. The gift is invested and a scholarship is awarded annually based on a percentage of the fund balance and or interest earned during the year. Endowed scholarships are awarded as a lasting memory of the named party. Your scholarship continues in perpetuity so that every year, a deserving student(s) will benefit from your generosity and commitment to Catholic education.

Additional Information

Please Contact Betsy Janes at for any additional information or questions.