Attention Senior Parents:

Your student should have started the application process for college by now. I have had individual meetings with almost all of the seniors. As your student begins to receive acceptance/scholarship letters from colleges/universities please have them bring those letters to me. I make copies for each student's file and give the originals back. Thank you, Mrs. Knox

Seniors are allowed 3 excused college/career visits this year, as long as they complete the necessary paperwork. This can be found in the files hanging outside of my office. Please make sure that your student is signing up for a meeting with me and that if you schedule a college/career visit they have the required forms. Thanks, Mrs. Knox

There have been some major changes to FAFSA. Due to the changes, the application for FAFSA won't be available until December of this year. One thing that students can do is create an FSA ID. One major change to FAFSA is that each student and parent will need their own individual FSA ID. I will be working with seniors next Friday 10/27 in the computer lab to create their ID's. They will need to have their social security number to complete the FSA ID. I will be holding an information session in November for parents to help with FSA ID and FAFSA.
Thank you,
Mrs. Knox

To find out more information about the ACT, including upcoming dates and fees, please visit

Absentee Notes

School policy states that a parent must call the office (859-431-1335) on any day that your son or daughter is absent. For the safety of our students, it is also a school regulation that parents must send in a written note stating the reason for their child’s absence on the day they return.  Even though the parent may have spoken to someone in the office on the day of the absence, it is still necessary to send the note on the day of his/her return.

  1. Unexcused absences and unnecessary tardiness will be penalized.
  2. Detentions will be issued for excessive tardiness.

Please check the Schools Policy in the Student Handbook for further Clarification.

For Parents

Schoology image


DEADLINE for the 2024-2025 school year is June 30, 2024

Click Here to apply FACTS

2024-2025 Tuition Payment Form 


Contact Kellie McCoy


Finance Office Hours:

Monday- Thursday 



2024-2025 Registration Form



Automated Phone Calls

Holy Cross High School uses an automated phone call system to communicate snow alerts (both closings and delays), and other events that are taking place at Holy Cross.

If you are not receiving these phone calls and would like to be added to the list,
please contact the school office at 859-431-1335.

All volunteers, coaches and employees at HCHS must be Virtus compliant in order to perform any service that involves direct or indirect contact with students. To be Virtus compliant one must attend a class presented by the Diocese and complete regular monthly bulletins online.

New volunteers who are not already a part of the virtus program, please click the link below for the information from the Diocese.

If you have any questions, please contact our Virtus Coordinator, Tina Feldman via email at or call her at (859) 291-8588.

Reporting Sexual Misconduct in the Diocese of Covington

Anyone who has experienced sexual misconduct by a cleric, employee, religious or volunteer of the Diocese of Covington is asked to contact Ms. Margie Schack, Diocesan Victims Assistance Coordinator at  (859) 392-1515.


This year parents/guardians can find the free/reduced lunch application on the website under Food Service:  

They will need to print the application (or pick-up a hard copy in the school office) and deliver or mail it to Jackie Kaiser at the Diocese of Covington located at 1125 Madison Ave. 

Dear Parents,

Great News! Dealing with your children’s lunch money and school fee payments just got a lot easier. You can now add money to your child’s meal account, see their cafeteria purchase history, and pay for all school related fees securely online from your computer, tablet or smartphone!

With K12PaymentCenter the chances of lunch money and school fee payments getting lost or stolen significantly decreases. Plus, you save time not having to come into school to make payments! You can add money to meal accounts and pay for school related fees at the same time from your desktop or mobile device. You can even schedule recurring payments, set up notifications, and transfer meal funds. It will also save your payment history so you can refer back at any time.  You will have access to your child’s account 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

How Do You Get Started? It’s simple!

Go to in your web browser

First time users click “Sign Up” then select your state and district from the drop-down lists

Fill in your information to set up the account

Click “Manage Students” to add your student(s) with their last name and student ID number

Make a payment to your students’ accounts with your credit/debit card or electronic check


Once you create your account and add your students, you will have access to your student’s meal account balance and cafeteria purchase history for FREE! When making meal account or school fee payment there is a small convenience fee per transaction (not per child) to cover payment processing. ($1.95 fee for payments up to $100, and 2.99% fee for payments over $100)


We have some exciting news about  You can now make payments via electronic check (eCheck).  When you make a payment with an eCheck it has a convenience fee of only $0.95 no matter what the transaction total is.


How do you set up eCheck as a payment method?

Go to in your web browser

Log into your account or create an account if you have not used it before

Click Manage Wallet on the left menu

Under the Cards option you will see a Banks option

Click the orange Add Bank Account button and follow the prompts to securely add your bank

Once the bank account is saved you will be able to select it as a payment option in the Select a Wallet drop down at the checkout screen. That will change the convenience fee to $0.95 in the cart.*  

*If an eCheck payment is made and there are insufficient funds in your checking account, the payment will be reversed, and the district may apply an insufficient funds charge to you. 


For more information or questions about using K12PaymentCenter please go to or email contact us @


Click here to learn more about managing your child’s account online today!



Any students needing meal accommodations for Diocesan lunches because of a life-altering condition (such as Celiac Disease, diabetes, severe allergies, etc.), may complete one of these forms and contact Jackie Kaiser at

Meal Accomodation Form