Academic Awards
Elite 30 Club
In 2010, Holy Cross High School began acknowledging students who scored a 30 or higher on the ACT Test, which is used as an entrance examination by a majority of colleges and universities.
A score of 30 places a student in the top 4% of students nationally and is a benchmark score all students strive to attain. It also practically guarantees students full scholarships to a large number of universities in the country. The fact that so many students are achieving at a high level is credit to the ability and work ethic of our students and a reflection of the commitment of our faculty and staff.
Elite 30 Alumni Club
Class of 2026
Rachel Beane, Leonard Bezold, Nora Deavy, Abigail Reed
Class of 2025
Joseph Coutinho, James Holtz, William McElheney, Suzette Klaiss, Jocelyn Monson, Gretchen Phelps, Savannah Weibel
Class of 2024
Tyler Beane, Jacob Daly, Ryan Ehlman, Bella Saalfeld, Jenna Saalfeld, Max Ward
Class of 2023
Will Fuller, Will Lachmann, Alyssa Perkins, Matthew Sunday, Nathaniel Wendt
Class of 2022
Megan Crouch, Spencer Doerger, Dimitri Dunn, Maddux Hoffman, Cade Lehmkuhl, Morrigan McIntosh, Matthew Sutton, Sydney Wilson
Class of 2021
Quentin Bergman, Audrey Davis, Jeremy Faulhaber, Isabella Fisk, Kyle Smith, Christyan Townsend, William VonHandorf
Class of 2020
Lyndsey Cross, Allison Ehlman, Emma Lehmkuhl, Evah-Marie Lemma, Grace Martin, Sean McIntosh
Class of 2019
Vincetta Kahmann, Joe Martin, Dylan Zion
Class of 2018
Christian Bales, Christian Bricking, Katherine Frantz, Dominic Hassert, Katie Holtz, Michael Litteral, Brennan Schaefer, Wesley Schmidt, Anna Swecker, Ehmet Thorton-Ayers, Juliana Warde, Isabel Wartenberg
Class of 2017
Elijah Batson, Molly Bilz, Katie Dreas, Jake Hassert, Matt Hock, Adam Kahmann, Theo Maris, Drew McIntosh, Courtney Turner
Class of 2016
Michael Bramer, Zach Doerger, Nate Doggett, Catherine Ehlman,Tom Hannigan, Matt Kim, Sarah Kleier, Sydney Robke
Class of 2015
Kelsey Ballman, Tori Bunton, Donovan Finan, Michael Groeschen, Joe Hock, Bailey Keith, Nick Scheper, Kylie Schaefer, Jacob Williams, Kenny Wilshire, Chase Wright
Class of 2014
Regan Bales, Stanley Doerger, Lillian Frantz, Noelle Lameier, Marty McDaniel, Kyle McLaughlin, Evan Reynolds, Tim Woeste
Class of 2013
Alex Bramer, Elizabeth Ehlman, Chris Garrett, Grace Herrman, Megan Krumprlman, Kelly Millay, Rachel Tewes, Alex Sizemore
Class of 2012
Emily Brazell, Marissa Doeger, Aaron Fuller, Brendan Hall, Josh Kahmann, Lauren Koop, Megan Scheper, Jacob Schlarman
Class of 2011
Kelvin Adams, Andrew Bergman, Patrick Burridge, Clint Childers, Emily Crocetti, Ali Doggett, Lydia Doggett, Jacob Frantz, Taylor Ichinose, Nick Jehn, Tyler Johnson, Nathan Pappas, Mark Tewes, Annie Wolff
The 2011 senior class, in fact, set a high standard for others to follow. Among their achievements, fifteen students scored 30 or above on the ACT, five were selected for the Kentucky Governor’s School for the Arts, two received National Merit Scholarships, and one was a National Merit Finalist. In addition, the Class of 2011 had the highest ACT in a decade with a mark of 23.6 and nearly one third scored in the 80th percentile. The accomplishments of these students and the student body as a whole are remarkable, especially in light of the fact that Holy Cross educates students across the academic spectrum.
Class of 2010
Nick Aerni, Jared Andrews, Mark Fehrenbacher, Eric Gregory, Sarah Groeschen, Xavier Hassert, Jamie Marsh, Andy Merritt, Nick Miller, Anderw Schaeffer, Brian Scheper
National Merit Honors
National Merit Scholar
2013 Elizabeth Ehlman
2025 Jocelyn Monson
2020 Gracie Martin
2018 Wesley Schmidt
2017 Matt Hock
2013 Kelly Millay
2011 Lydia Doggett
2010 Eric Gregory
Commended Students
2024 Isabella Saalfeld
2017 Elijah Batson
2013 Rachel Tewes
2012 Josh Kahmann
2011 Kelvin Adams, Nick Jehn, Annie Wolff
2010 Jared Andrews, Nick Miller
Governor's Scholars
The Governor’s Scholars Program (GSP) is a five week summer residential program for outstanding high school juniors. Students must complete an application and be nominated for the program by their district. Over 1,000 Kentucky students are selected yearly based on a thorough application process detailing their academic achievement, extracurricular involvement, volunteerism, and personal integrity. Scholars have the rare opportunity to experience college life while attending classes on a daily basis. The Governor’s Scholars Program emphasizes wide-ranging representation of all Kentucky regions, ethnicities, and cultural backgrounds. Participating scholars are granted the opportunity to expand their horizons by forming close relationships with their peers representing all 120 counties in the commonwealth. Because of the rigorous application process and educational purpose, all students successfully completing the program have access to a plethora of scholarships from many Kentucky colleges simply due to their involvement in the program.
2024- Joseph Coutinho, Jimmy Holtz, William McElheney, Ella Lehmkuhl (alternate)
2023- Ryan Ehlman, Gabriel Reed, Bella Saalfeld, Jenna Saalfeld
2022- Sarah Bottom, Zoe Doerger
2021- Spencer Doerger, Maddux Hoffman
2020 - Quentin Bergman, Audrey Davis, Will VonHandorf
2019 - Allison Ehlman, Grace Martin, Sean McIntosh, Emma Lehmkuhl
2018 - Breanna Younger, Sarah Barth
2017 - Wesley Schmidt, Anna Bergman, Isabel Wartenburg, Katherine Frantz, Christian Bales
2016 - Molly Bilz, Drew McIntosh, Matt Hock, Jacob Hassert
2015 - Nate Doggett, Sydney Robke, Catherine Ehlman, Michael Bramer
2014 - Natalie Jehn, Michael Groeschen
2013 - Stanley Doerger, Lillian Frantz
2012 - Alex Bramer, Elizabeth Ehlman, Grace Herrman, Kelly Millay
2011 - Emily Brazell, Aaron Fuller, Josh Kahmann, Jake Schlarman
2010 - Emily Crocetti, Ali Doggett, Lydia Doggett, Nick Jehn, Annie Wolff
Governor’s School for the Arts
The Kentucky Governor’s School for the Arts (GSA) is the sister program to the Governor’s Scholars Program. GSA auditions promising high school sophomores and juniors in nine different arts disciplines: Architecture & Design, Creative Writing, Dance, Drama, Instrumental Music, Musical Theatre, New Media, Visual Art and Vocal Music. Over 1,700 students apply to the Governor’s School for the Arts summer program. From this number only 256 get to attend this amazing summer arts program. Being accepted or chosen as an alternate are both huge honors. For three solid weeks, the students live, breathe, eat and sleep the arts. It’s a thrilling, often life-changing experience, as they meet new friends, explore their creativity, and discover new things about who they are and who they can be in the future. Graduates of the GSA program are eligible for a host of scholarships and educational opportunities in all fields of study.
2024- Jackson Baker, Rya Crigger, Jocelyn Monson, Alex Murray, Savannah Weibel, Mattie Lou Jones (alternate)
2022- Dance: Madison Hurtt, Dominic Vennemann
Visual Arts: Matthew Coutinho, Sadie Kimberlin, Sydney Weibel, Abi Williams
2021- Drama: Ayden Bailey
2020- Jane Roberts
2019 - Vocal Music: Evah-Marie Lemma
Alternate: Allison Ehlman (Visual Arts)
2018 - Fine Arts: Blayr Feinauer
Drama: Dominic Lemma
2017 - Visual Art: Grace Whitsell, Anna Bergman, Brennan Schaefer
2016 - Visual Art: Elijah Batson
Architectural and Design: Jillian Moore
Musical Theater: Mitch Holland
2015 - Visual Art: Celeste Bergman, Ben Lehman, Matt Kim, Claire Rentrop
Alternates: Annabel Biernat, Amanda Delgado
Dance: Olivia Sketch
2013 - Visual Art: Conner Nielander, Sydney Rains
2012 - Visual Art: Ashley Kim
Chorus: Tony Kessen, Jacob Henderson
Acting: Seth Graham, Kyle Bailey, Adam Kozerski, Chisato Takatani
Drama: Daniel Reynolds
2011 - Visual Art: Ellen Wilshire
Dance: Victoria Gilman
Chorus: Kelly Millay, Lydia Doggett
Acting: Brie Blank, Shelby Vogelpohl, Jacob Henderson
2010 - Visual Art: Jared Andrews, Nick Miller